Readers comments

Some extracts taken from the many reader reviews of The Curry Secret found on


....“This book is fantastic. We have done several recipes and they are fantastic.”



“I would really recommend this book. Once you have made the curry sauce it is so easy to do all the recipes. One tip: when making the curry sauce try and do it in the garden on a burner because the smell lingers.”



“……. Would like to see another book... is there one?”



"I have been using this book for at lest 12 years and is the only book that gives you the real recipes that Indian cooks use in there restaurants,(not Indian cooking).All the dishes I have made have been true to the restaurant curry that we all would like to make at home. Happy curry making."



“This is the best Indian cook book ever!! There is nothing that compares with it.... all others are not giving up the true secret! Would like to really know how to make great Dul Soup.... very hard to do correctly. Also Meat Samosa”



"Finally. I have made 3 or 4 different curries so far and they have all been very close to the Manchester Indian curry house sauces that I grew up with. The final step of turning your base into a Vindaloo, Madras, Korma etc is open to interpretation and imagination but I know (after 35 years of trying) that I have found the Holy Grail of curry cook books. Forget the Louvre it's right here at Amazon."



“Simply the best curry I have ever made, Kris Dhillon, The Curry Secret : Indian Restaurant Cookery at Home is a great book which is simple to follow and fooled my mates into thinking I got a take away!”



"I would buy this book for ten times the price just for the pilau rice recipe - I never cook basmati any other way now and I repeatedly get asked where to buy the packet I had to have emptied it out of (this could be because it tastes like processed food but I like to think its because it looks and tastes so good)"



....“The basic sauce takes time but stick with it. The recipe in the book makes enough sauce for about 6 portions, depending on your appetite or how you skim it. Every curry has the same basic sauce, so don't think that when you make this sauce you have to stick to the same curry. Once you have made the sauce, if you freeze it, it then only takes about 30 mins to create a mouth-watering dish. Each time you make a curry, whether it is a balti or a dupiaza it gets better and better

Take note of the tips in the book, especially the yogurt tip it makes all the difference to the appetite of the eyes as well as the taste buds.”



“I would like to see more recipes in the book, and the base sauce takes a while, but it is worth taking the time and effort, as this is the foundation for great curries. I have produced curries better then you would ever get in an Indian restaurant, and all my friends have bought this book after tasting my curries. It is simple to follow, and you get some fantastic spicy flavours.”



“When you have made the onion mixture and blended the results, try the sauce and add around 2 tablespoons of dark soy sauce and a squirt of tomato ketchup. This improves the flavour and consistency.”



.....“The Curry Secret must be the definitive curry cookbook if you want to produce meals exactly like the best Indian takeaways and restaurants.”



"To summarize - BUY IT. At this price its the steal of the century."





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